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Japan Career Summit 2023

The Japan Career Summit is an event that enables students from top universities worldwide to have close contact with Japanese companies. By submitting their CVs on the day of the event, students can gain opportunities for internships and full-time employment in Japanese companies. Approximately 300 students from over 60 top universities around the world participated, and the event concluded with great success.

Participating companies

(8 companies in total)

  • MUFG Group

  • PinPoint Group

  • Fujifilm

  • Suntech

  • CyberAgent

  • Plan Do See

  • DXYZ

  • Timewitch

Number of participating students (approx. 300)

Main universities (excerpt)​

  • Harvard University

  • ​Yale University

  • University of Oxford

  • Imperial College London

  • Technical University of Munich

  • UC Berkeley

  • University of Chicago

  • Columbia University

Event Gallery

Japan Career Summit 1
Japan Career Summit 2

For privacy protection, the images have been blurred.

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