Data science and artificial intelligence (AI) stand at the forefront of technological innovation in the 21st century, revolutionizing various aspects of our lives. From enhancing the accuracy of medical diagnostics to developing autonomous vehicles and offering personalized financial advice, the applications of AI and data science are expanding daily.
Japan is riding the wave of this technological revolution, advancing the development of AI and data science in unique ways. Under the national strategy known as "Society 5.0," Japan aims to create a "sustainable and resilient society, ensuring the safety and peace of mind of its citizens while enabling diverse forms of well-being." To realize a smart society, Japan is integrating AI and data technologies across all layers of society. This initiative, which combines Japan’s precision in manufacturing with cutting-edge digital technologies, is attracting global attention.
Moreover, the demand for professionals in data science and AI has been increasing across Japan. Many companies on the Jelper Club platform are actively posting job openings in these fields. This article will explore the developments in data science and AI in Japan and provide essential information for those considering careers in these dynamic sectors.
1. Japan's Technological Landscape and Ecosystem
1.1 Government Policies and Support
The Japanese government has positioned the advancement of AI and data science at the core of its national strategy.
Society 5.0: Japan's envisioned society is defined as a human-centered society that balances economic development with the resolution of social issues through a highly integrated system of cyber and physical spaces*1. This integration uses cutting-edge technologies such as IoT, big data, and AI as powerful drivers to achieve these dual objectives.
AI Strategy: The Cabinet Office has established a division for AI within the Science and Technology and Innovation Bureau to comprehensively promote AI from research and development to social implementation. An AI Strategy Council, which includes experts, meets regularly to discuss strategies. The latest meeting on July 19, 2024, emphasized the synergy between generative AI and Japan’s growth potential, noting, "With the rise of AI, Japan sees a new opportunity for growth and must adopt bold strategies to avoid falling behind other countries*2."
Regulatory Sandbox: This system allows businesses to test new technological ideas, such as those involving AI and IoT, without being hindered by existing regulations*3. It facilitates the demonstration of innovative business models and promotes regulatory reforms based on these demonstrations.
These policies aim to accelerate the research, development, and practical application of AI and data science in Japan, enhancing its international competitiveness.
1.2 Application of AI and Data Science in Key Industries
Automotive Industry
Toyota is focusing on the development of autonomous driving technologies, utilizing AI in its advanced driver-assistance system, "Toyota Teammate" *4. They also use big data from connected cars to optimize traffic flow and prevent accidents*5. The Toyota Research Institute (TRI) conducts fundamental research in autonomous driving and robotics. Additionally, the company is building an experimental smart city, Woven City, centered around its subsidiary, Woven by Toyota*6.
Honda has developed the "Honda SENSING" advanced driver-assistance system using AI, which includes collision mitigation brakes and lane-keeping assist systems*7. They are also advancing systems where humans and AI robots collaborate on the automobile production line.
Preferred Networks specializes in deep learning algorithms for autonomous driving and industrial robotics control, collaborating with Toyota on AI-driven mobility services*8.
ZMP develops autonomous delivery robots, "CarriRo," aiming to optimize last-mile delivery efficiency in urban areas*9.
Healthcare Industry
Fujitsu has developed an AI system to detect lung cancer from chest X-ray images, improving diagnostic accuracy and reducing physicians' workload*10. In collaboration with the RIKEN research institute, they are enhancing the efficiency of new drug candidate discovery using AI*11.
Olympus has commercialized a system that uses AI to automatically detect lesions from endoscopic images, assisting physicians in diagnosis*12.
Shionogi Pharmaceutical has developed the "AI SAS Programmer System," which semi-automates the creation of clinical trial analysis documents, moving towards commercialization*13.
Ubie has developed a system where AI analyzes patients' symptoms and suggests potential diseases and appropriate medical departments, aiding in the efficiency of medical institutions and proper patient care*14.
Food Industry
Suntory uses AI to forecast demand, aiding in strategic planning and operational execution in supply chain management*15.
Financial Services
Mizuho Financial Group analyzes corporate financial data along with news articles and social media information using AI to make more accurate credit decisions*16.
TRUSTART offers "R.E.DATA," a marketing solution utilizing real estate big data*17.
AlpacaJapan develops stock price prediction engines using AI, providing information services to investors*18.
FANUC has developed an AI-enabled predictive maintenance system, analyzing machine operation data to preemptively detect faults, minimizing production line downtime*19.
OMRON has developed an AI-equipped image processing system for manufacturing sites, automating product quality inspections*20.
Cogent Labs automates quality inspections on manufacturing lines using AI-powered image recognition technologies*21.
These examples demonstrate that Japan's major industries, both large corporations and startups, are actively utilizing AI and data science to enhance productivity and create new value.
1.3 Collaboration with Academic Institutions
Major Universities
The University of Tokyo The Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Research Center at the University of Tokyo covers a broad spectrum of AI technology, from foundational research to practical applications, and is strengthening ties with the industrial sector*22.
Tokyo Institute of Technology Offers a comprehensive data science and AI educational program from undergraduate through graduate levels, promoting joint research with industry*23.
Public Research Institutions
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Conducts extensive AI research aimed at enhancing industrial competitiveness and societal prosperity through technological development*24.
RIKEN Focuses on achieving scientific breakthroughs in AI technology and developing innovative technologies that contribute to social welfare*25.
1.4 Future Prospects and International Comparisons
Strengths and Development of AI and Data Science in Japan Japan continues to evolve in the fields of AI and data science, balancing unique strengths and challenges. A significant strength is the integration of AI and IoT with Japan's high-quality control and precision engineering in manufacturing, aiming to realize "smart factories."
Challenges and Future Outlook There is a tendency to restrict data utilization due to a high awareness of personal information protection. The government is progressing with legislation that promotes data utilization while protecting privacy.
International Comparison While the U.S. leads in fundamental research and the development of large-scale AI models, Japan exhibits unique strengths in integrating manufacturing and robotics. Furthermore, the relatively low reluctance of the Japanese population towards AI represents a comparative advantage internationally.
International Cooperation Efforts Japan is actively involved in efforts to establish common rules for AI and data circulation in contexts like U.S.-Japan relations and the G7, aiming to foster international collaboration in these critical tech domains.
2. Career Opportunities
2.1 Careers in Data Science and AI in Japan
The field of data science and AI in Japan offers a variety of roles, each demanding specialized skills and knowledge. Here are some key positions:
Data Scientist Experts in collecting, analyzing, and modeling data to extract valuable insights. Proficiency in programming languages like Python or R, statistics, and machine learning algorithms is required.
Machine Learning Engineer Responsible for designing, implementing, and maintaining machine learning models. Familiarity with frameworks such as TensorFlow or PyTorch to train and optimize models is crucial.
Data Engineer Focuses on building the infrastructure for data handling and management. Expertise in database management systems (DBMS), ETL tools, and big data technologies like Hadoop or Spark is necessary.
AI Researcher Involved in the research and development of new AI algorithms and technologies. This role includes creating innovative methodologies, algorithms, and AI models that surpass existing technologies. Research often encompasses AI subfields like deep learning, reinforcement learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. Advanced knowledge in mathematics, statistics, computer science, and proficiency in programming languages (Python, C++), libraries (NumPy, Pandas, SciPy), and frameworks (TensorFlow, PyTorch) are required.
Business Analyst Serves as a bridge between data scientists and business units, crafting data-driven business strategies. Both business acumen and data analysis skills are essential.
2.2 Essential Skills
The demand for professionals in data science and AI has been steadily increasing in Japan. According to a Nikkei Cross Trend study, from 2016 to 2021, the number of job openings for data scientists in Japan increased by approximately 7.5 times. Post-2021, with the rapid development in the AI field, the demand has further escalated*26.
Required Skills Include:
Programming Languages Proficiency in languages such as Python, R, SQL, Java, and C++ is essential, with Python being particularly popular due to its extensive libraries for machine learning and data analysis.
Data Analysis Tools Mastery of libraries like Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, and Scikit-learn is crucial in data science.
Machine Learning Frameworks Skills in building machine learning models using frameworks like TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras are necessary.
Big Data Technologies Expertise in big data processing technologies such as Hadoop, Spark, and Kafka is required.
Cloud Platforms Experience with deploying and managing data on cloud services like AWS, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure is advantageous.
2.3 Opportunities Provided by Jelper Club
Japanese companies are actively seeking talented individuals with expertise in the growing fields of data science and AI. Jelper Club features numerous job postings related to these areas.
Jelper Club also lists opportunities for long-term internships in data science and AI, aiming to recruit capable individuals.
Many members of Jelper Club who are active engineers have registered on the platform, and it is possible to directly message these members and arrange company visits.
Events like Soirée Tokyo hosted by Jelper Club attract business owners who operate in AI and data science, as well as top engineers from around the world who are also members of Jelper Club. Participating in such Jelper Club-sponsored events provides a great opportunity to network and communicate actively with fellow members through shared interests.
Data science and AI are at the heart of technological innovation, both now and in the future, and the field is rapidly evolving in Japan. Under the active support of the Japanese government and the vision of "Society 5.0," Japan aims to evolve alongside technological innovations, placing careers in data science and AI at the center of this transformation. For international students, the career paths in Japan's data science and AI sectors are particularly attractive, and demand is expected to continue growing.
Jelper Club plans to continue actively posting job openings in this field, offering attractive career opportunities. We encourage you to frequently check the "Job Updates" for the latest postings.
Additionally, Jelper Club will continue to publish articles explaining various industries and job roles. If you have any questions or curiosities about industries of interest, we encourage you to actively post them in the "Feed."
(Editor: Jelper Club Editorial Team)
Sources and Notes
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2. 「AI戦略会議」(内閣府):https://www8.cao.go.jp/cstp/ai/ai_senryaku/ai_senryaku.html
1. 「Society 5.0」(内閣府):https://www8.cao.go.jp/cstp/society5_0/
3. 「規制のサンドボックス制度」(内閣官房):https://www.cas.go.jp/jp/seisaku/s-portal/regulatorysandbox.html
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6. 「Toyota Woven City」(Toyota Woven City):https://www.woven-city.global/jpn
7. 「安全運転支援システムHonda SENSING」(Honda):https://www.honda.co.jp/hondasensing/
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