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Ultimate Guide to Job Searching with J-Find Visa: Utilizing Jelper Club and more

 Job Searching with J-Find Visa

Known as being traditionally cautious about accepting foreign workers, the Japanese government has recently introduced the J-Find (Future Creation Individuals Visa) to attract young, highly skilled professionals. This initiative plays a crucial role in opening Japan's doors to foreigners seeking employment in the country.

However, for many foreign job seekers, the process of obtaining a J-Find and then finding a job and establishing a livelihood in Japan is still unfamiliar territory. This article provides a comprehensive guide on what steps to take after obtaining a J-Find to secure employment in Japan, and how to make the most of Jelper Club to facilitate this transition.

*Please note that this article is based solely on information derived from public data, and our company cannot assume any legal responsibility for events arising from this article. For legal advice, please contact a law firm or administrative scrivener's office.

1. What is J-Find?

1.1 Overview of J-Find

J-Find (Future Creation Individuals Visa) is a visa program established by the Japanese government to promote the acceptance of foreign workers with advanced expertise and potential. This visa allows graduates from top overseas universities to engage in job hunting or entrepreneurial activities in Japan for up to two years. The aim is to provide foreign nationals aspiring to work in Japan with an opportunity to secure employment within a certain period. By obtaining a J-Find visa, foreigners can conduct job searches and interviews in Japan smoothly.

1.2 How to Obtain J-Find

Application Requirements:
  • Eligible Universities: Graduates from universities ranked within the top 100 in at least two out of the three global university rankings (QS, THE, ARWU), or those who have completed a postgraduate program at such universities.

  • Years Since Graduation: Applicants must have graduated or completed their postgraduate program within the past five years.

  • Living Expenses: Applicants must have a minimum of 200,000 yen in savings at the time of application.

Application Process:
  1. Fill Out the Online Application Form: Download the form from the website of the Japanese embassy or consulate and fill in the required information.

  2. Prepare Necessary Documents - Gather the following documents:

    1. A valid copy of the passport

    2. Resume (CV)

    3. Employment history (if applicable)

    4. Proof of funds (bank balance certificate)

    5. Graduation certificate from the eligible university

    6. Documentation proving the number of years since graduation

  3. Submit Application Documents: Submit the required documents online and pay the application fee.

Required Documents
  • Valid copy of the passport

  • Resume and employment history

  • Proof of funds (e.g., bank balance certificate)

  • Graduation certificate from the eligible university

  • Documentation proving the number of years since graduation

1.3 Validity Period of J-Find

  • Details on Validity Period: The J-Find visa is typically valid for six months to a maximum of two years, during which time the visa holder is expected to find employment.

  • Renewal Procedures: While J-Find visa renewals are generally not permitted, reapplication may be possible under special circumstances or conditions.

1.4 Additional Information

Many universities associated with Jelper Club are included in the list of eligible institutions for J-Find, making this program highly compatible with Jelper Club. Additionally, there are Jelper Club members who have successfully utilized J-Find. Jelper Club provides an environment where members can share information and collaborate on job hunting in Japan, creating a supportive network. Students who have obtained a J-Find visa and come to Japan are encouraged to leverage Jelper Club to connect with fellow members who have also secured a J-Find visa.

2. Basics of Job Search in Japan with J-Find Visa

Here are some key points to keep in mind when searching for a job in Japan.

2.1 Methods for Obtaining Job Information

Utilizing Jelper Club:

Jelper Club features a wide range of attractive companies from various industries, and it is crucial to regularly check the updated job postings. Here’s how to effectively use Jelper Club to find job information:

  • Checking Job Listings: The "Jobs" section of Jelper Club is regularly updated with the latest job postings. Make it a habit to frequently check this section to ensure you don’t miss new opportunities.

  • Leveraging the Community: Jelper Club includes many other job seekers and alumni currently working in Japanese companies. Engaging with them can provide not only job information but also valuable advice and insights into the job search process.

    • Message Function: Use the "Connect" and "Feed" features to send direct messages to alumni and current employees registered on Jelper Club. You can seek advice and ask about internal information or unpublished job openings at companies of interest.

    • Participating in Events: Attending networking events hosted by Jelper Club can facilitate information exchange among job seekers and provide advice from alumni already employed in Japan.


It is also possible to look for job postings on CFN and Wantedly. However, unlike Jelper Club, many of these jobs have high Japanese language requirements, so please be sure to check the Japanese language requirements for each job posting.

2.2 Creating a Resume

Japanese Resume Format

Creating a Japanese resume involves a specific format. Here are the key components:

  • Basic Information: Include your name, address, phone number, email address, date of birth, and gender.

  • Educational Background: List your educational history in chronological order, starting from high school to the present.

  • Work History: List your past employment in chronological order, including specific job duties and achievements.

  • Qualifications and Skills: Mention any certifications, special skills, and language proficiency.

  • Motivation: Describe why you are applying to the company and highlight your strengths.

Sample Resume (履歴書)

Here is an example of how to fill out a Japanese resume (履歴書):

Japanese style resume

You can download a template for a Japanese resume (履歴書) from the example format provided by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

2.3 Preparing for Interviews

Interview Etiquette
  • Punctuality: Always arrive on time for your interview. Being late is unacceptable.

  • Attire: Wear a business suit and maintain a clean, professional appearance.

  • Greetings: Greet the interviewers politely and behave respectfully throughout the interview.

Preparing for Common Questions
  • Self-Introduction: Concisely summarize your background and strengths.

  • Motivation for Applying: Clearly articulate why you want to work for the company.

  • Strengths and Weaknesses: Explain your strengths and weaknesses with specific examples and how you are working to overcome your weaknesses.

  • Future Goals: Describe your career aspirations and how you see yourself growing within the company.

For more information on interview preparation and etiquette in Japan, refer to the following links:

3. Employment in Specific Industries

The following industries have particularly high demand for foreign workers.

3.1 IT Industry

Required Skills:
  • Programming: Java, Python, C++

  • Database Management: SQL, NoSQL

  • Cloud Computing: AWS, Azure

Popular Job Roles:
  • Software Engineer

  • Data Scientist

  • Cybersecurity Expert

Industry Characteristics:
  • High demand for foreign technical experts.

  • Many global projects.

  • Japanese Language Requirements: Intermediate Japanese proficiency is often required, but many companies allow communication in English only.

3.2 Manufacturing Industry

Required Skills:
  • Production Management

  • Quality Control

  • Mechanical Design

Popular Job Roles:
  • Production Engineer

  • Quality Assurance Engineer

  • Project Manager

Industry Characteristics:
  • Advanced technical skills.

  • Japan's manufacturing culture.

  • Japanese Language Requirements: Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N2 level or higher is often required.

3.3 Education Industry

Required Skills:
  • Educational Qualifications

  • Bilingual Abilities

  • Curriculum Development

Popular Job Roles:
  • English Teacher

  • International School Teacher

  • Educational Consultant

Industry Characteristics:
  • High demand for English education.

  • Multicultural education.

  • Japanese Language Requirements: Not essential for English teachers, but N2 level or higher is often required for international school teachers and educational consultants.

3.4 Trade and Logistics Industry

Required Skills:
  • Trade Operations

  • Logistics Management

  • Multilingual Abilities

Popular Job Roles:
  • Trade Administration

  • Logistics Manager

  • Supply Chain Manager

Industry Characteristics:
  • Central hub for international trade.

  • Global business environment.

  • Japanese Language Requirements: JLPT N2 level or higher is often required, but some companies use English as their official language.

3.5 Financial Industry

Required Skills:
  • Finance Knowledge

  • Data Analysis

  • Communication Skills

Popular Job Roles:
  • Financial Analyst

  • Investment Banker

  • Risk Manager

Industry Characteristics:
  • Stable employment.

  • Potential for high income.

  • Japanese Language Requirements: Due to the nature of the work, high proficiency in Japanese (JLPT N1 level or higher) is often required.

4. Necessary Processes for Foreign Workers to Start Working in Japan

4.1 Obtaining a Work Visa

After finding a job during the J-Find visa period, you need to transition to a work visa. Here are the types and procedures for obtaining a work visa:

Types of Work Visas:
  • Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services Visa: For professionals in IT, economics, law, etc.

  • Specified Skilled Worker Visa: For individuals with specific skills required in designated industries.

  • Highly Skilled Professional Visa: For those with advanced expertise and skills.

Application Process:
  1. Prepare Documents: Employment contract, Certificate of Eligibility, application forms.

  2. Submit to: Japanese Immigration Bureau.

4.2 Learning Japanese

Japanese Language Schools:
  • General Japanese Courses: Comprehensive language learning, including conversation, reading, and writing.

  • Business Japanese Courses: Focused on Japanese language skills needed in business settings.

Online Learning:
  • Apps and Websites: Platforms like Duolingo, WaniKani, and Nihongo-Pro offer convenient online Japanese learning options.ム。

4.3 Life Support

Finding Accommodation:
  • Real Estate Agents: Use agencies that cater to foreigners.

  • Online Platforms: Websites like Suumo and Homes provide listings and support for finding housing.

For detailed information, refer to the "Ultimate Guide to Finding Housing in Japan for Foreigners"

Opening a Bank Account:
  1. Required Documents: Passport, residence card, and possibly a personal seal (inkan).

  2. Procedure: Apply at the bank’s service counter.

Medical and Insurance Procedures:
  • National Health Insurance: Register at the local city or ward office.

  • Medical Facilities: Use hospitals and clinics that offer foreign language support.

5. Understanding Japanese Corporate Culture

Understanding Japanese corporate culture is crucial for integrating smoothly into your workplace and performing effectively after joining a company.

5.1 Workplace Etiquette

Business Manners:
  • Greetings: Morning greetings are essential. Use appropriate greetings like "おはようございます" (Good morning) and "お疲れ様です" (Thank you for your hard work).

  • Attire: Business suits are the standard. Ensure your attire is neat and professional.

  • Exchanging Business Cards: Use both hands to hold your business card and treat the other person's card with respect when receiving it.

Communication Style:
  • Use of Keigo (Respectful Language): Always use respectful language when speaking to superiors and seniors.

  • Hō-Ren-Sō (Reporting, Contacting, Consulting): Regularly report your status, maintain frequent contact, and consult with your superiors and team members.

For more detailed information, refer to the "A Basic Guide on Japanese Etiquette and Manners"

5.2 How to Approach Work

Hō-Ren-Sō (Reporting, Contacting, Consulting):
  • Reporting (報告): Keep your superiors informed about your work progress and any issues promptly.

  • Contacting (連絡): Share necessary information with relevant parties in a timely manner.

  • Consulting (相談): Seek advice from your superiors or colleagues immediately if you encounter problems or have questions.

Teamwork and Individual Roles:
  • Team Play: While fulfilling your individual responsibilities, contribute to achieving the overall team goals.

  • Responsibility Allocation: Each member should clearly understand and execute their roles and responsibilities.


The J-Find visa serves as a powerful tool for foreigners seeking employment in Japan. However, information on the steps to secure a job and establish a life in Japan is often limited. This article provided a comprehensive guide on what to do after obtaining a J-Find visa, including finding a job and understanding the basics necessary to thrive in a Japanese workplace.

Jelper Club continues to register an increasing number of attractive companies. Many students holding J-Find visas are active participants in Jelper Club. By utilizing the "Connect" and "Feed" features, you can leverage the community within Jelper Club to facilitate a smoother job search. It is also recommended to regularly check the updated job listings to stay informed about new opportunities.

At Jelper Club, we're here to support you every step of the way for your career development in Japan. Our platform connects ambitious students from top universities worldwide with exclusive internship and full-time job opportunities in Japan with a variety of Japanese proficiency requirements. We also provide access to practical information, member-only events, and a professional community of like-minded individuals.


If you're ready to embark on your own Japanese adventure, visit Jelper Club today and discover how we can help you unlock your potential in Japan.

(Editor: Jelper Club Editorial Team)

Sources and Notes

1. 「優秀な海外大学等を卒業した者が起業活動・就職活動を行う場合(J-Find)」(出入国在留管理庁):


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